The Poetry of Hymns (Audiobook) Supply

Read by Richard Mitchley, William Dufris & Daniela Nardini (Unabridged: 1hr 48mins)
Featuring poems by John Donne, Ben Jonson, Anne Bronte, Herman Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sara Teasdale & others.
Through the centuries in the solace of a church we hear music. These soaring vaulted often beautiful pieces of architecture have borne witness to hymns that change our emotions and fortify our spirit through life, death and celebrations and memorials of every type in between. Whether you are of a Christian faith or not, it is difficult to deny that these hymns create something stirring something magical which shouldn t be surprising when you hear the original poems. They speak with clarity and purpose, uplifting the heart and the soul, rejoicing God’s work and man’s pledge to do better in His eyes. But Hymns also have a wider duty to perform as there are many facets, themes and help on how to live lives as ourselves and appreciate each other as well as nature. In listening each of us can be swayed and persuaded on a number of levels.
However many poets have called their work ‘a Hymn’ and have explored its theme and its definition, in different ways. They can be more irreverent and suggest that hymns can come not from churches but other places – even watermelon pavilions.
One of the purposes of poems, of verse, of words, is to bring a subject into our view, imbue it with a little understanding and perhaps help us to confirm our opinions or hear in a way we might not have originally thought of it. Seeing and hearing through others can be a way to find more complex ripples of knowledge or to challenge what we hold and adjust that thinking.
In this volume we bring you a wide range of Hymns from the religious and the devotional to the humane and the wonderful.
In this compilation –Â
1 – The Poetry of Hymns – An Introduction | |
2 – Psalm 23 The Lord is My Shepherd | |
3 – Amazing Grace by John Newton | |
4 – Wondrous Sight For Men and Angels by Ann Griffiths | |
5 – Angels From the Realms of Glory by James Montgomery | |
6 – And Can It Be, That I Should Gain by Charles Wesley | |
7 – Nearer, My God to Thee by Sarah Flower Adams | |
8 – A Hymn to God the Father by John Donne | |
9 – A Hymn to God The Father by Ben Jonson | |
10 – A Hymn for Morning by Thomas Parnell | |
11 – Hymn Written Sunday February the 11th, 1798 by Robert Anderson | |
12 – An Hymn to the Morning by Phyllis Wheatley | |
13 – Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! by Reginald Heber | |
14 – A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | |
15 – The Hymn by Anne Kingsmill-Finch | |
16 – An Hymn to the Evening by Phyllis Wheatley | |
17 – A Hymn on the Seasons (An Extract) by James Thomson | |
18 – A Spring Carol by Christina Rossetti | |
19 – A Carol of Harvest For 1867 by Walt Whitman | |
20 – We Plough the Fields and Scatter by Mattias Claudius | |
21 – Hymn to the Belly by Ben Jonson | |
22 – Sacrament Hymn by Dante Gabriel Rossetti | |
23 – Homer s Hymn To the Earth, Mother of All by Percy Bysshe Shelley | |
24 – Hymn to Aphrodite by Sappho | |
25 – A Hymn To the Muses by Robert Herrick | |
26 – Ain t That Hard. Transcribed by Christine Rutledge of the Carolina Singers 1873 | |
27 – Oh God! Oh Let Me Call Thee Thine by Anne Bronte | |
28 – Hymn On Solitude by James Thomson | |
29 – Hymn From A Watermelon Pavilion by Wallace Stevens | |
30 – Nature s Hymn to the Deity by John Clare | |
31 – Hymn For St John s Eve The 29th June by John Henry Dryden | |
32 – Jerusalem by William Blake | |
33 – Hymn For the Dedication of Memorial Hall at Cambridge June 23rd 1874 by Oliver Wendell Holmes | |
34 – Hymn for a Little Child by Matilda Betham Edwards | |
35 – De Linin ub de Hymns by Daniel Webster Davis | |
36 – The Hymn of the Wiltshire Laborers by Charles Dickens | |
37 – The Gospel Train. Transcribed by Christine Rutledge of the Carolina Singers 1873 | |
38 – Hymn For the First of August by John Pierpont | |
39 – Hymn XLI by William Williams Pantycelyn | |
40 – There s An Open Door by Ann Griffiths | |
41 – Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson | |
42 – Hymn After Battle by Arthur St John Adcock | |
43 – Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe | |
44 – Onward Christian Soldiers by Sabine Baring-Gould | |
45 – Hymn by Fenton Johnson | |
46 – Boston Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson | |
47 – Father Mapple s Hymn by Herman Melville | |
48 – The Sailor s Hymn by William Whiting | |
49 – A Hymn of the Sea by William Cullen Bryant | |
50 – Hymn to The North Star by William Cullen Bryant | |
51 – In the Bleak Mid-Winter by Christina Georgina Rossetti | |
52 – Winter Evening Hymn To My Fire by James Russell Lowell | |
53 – A Christmas Carol by Samual Taylor Coleridge | |
54 – Carol by Ben Jonson | |
55 – A Christmas Carol by Aubrey De Vere | |
56 – A Carol. I by Mildmay Fane, Earl of Westmorland | |
57 – Christmas Carol by Sara Teasdale | |
58 – A Christmas Carol by G K Chesterton | |
59 – The Prettiest Thing That Ever I Did. Transcribed by Christine Rutledge of the Carolina Singers 1873 | |
60 – A Funeral Hymn by David Mallet | |
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